
Gallery and Museum 

  1. 北京故宮博物院   http://www.dpm.org.cn 
  2. National Gallery of London   www.nationalgallery.org.uk 
  3. Tate Gallery (Modern, Britain)   www.tate.org.uk 
  4. National Portrait Gallery   www.npg.org.uk 
  5. Royal Academy of Arts   www.royalacademy.org.uk 
  6. Courtauld Institute of Arts, University of London   www.courtauld.ac.uk 
  7. Victoria and Albert Museum   www.vam.ac.uk 
  8. British Museum   www.british-museum.ac.uk 
  9. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)   http://www.metmuseum.org/ 
  10. New York Museum of Modern Art   www.moma.org/ 
  11. Guggenheim Museum New York   www.guggenheim.org/ 
  12. New Museum of Contemporary Art (New York)   www.newmuseum.org/ 
  13. National Gallery of Art (Washington)   www.nga.gov/ 
  14. Musee d'Orsay Paris   www.musee-orsay.fr/ 
  15. Musee du Louvre Paris   www.louvre.fr/ 
  16. Musee National d'Art Moderne Paris   www.paris.org/Musees/Beaubourg/ 



Art-in-nature   http://www.natuurkunstdrenthe.nl/en/index.html 

Granular Art  http://www.doc.ntu.ac.uk/RTTS/Projects/g-art/project.html 

GenArt   http://www.genart.org 

Art Net   http://www.artnet.com 

Trafalgar Square  http://www.fourthplinth.co.uk/

Art Cyclopedia   http://www.artcyclopedia.com/

Meda Art Net  http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/mediaartnet/

Mauro Annunzato   http://www.plancton.com/ 

Dutch Electronic Art Festival 1995  http://www.v2.nl/DEAF/persona/granularsynthesis.html