圖像互換格式 Graphics Interchange Format (gif)

● GIF是一組連續的圖像循環地顯示,這幅GIF圖是表達 Escher 所創建圖像哲學的絕佳之作。圓球滾動處於合理的視覺範疇,但整體就變成虛構的實體,GIF圖強化了這個效果,因觀者會追看圓球。圓球走徑構成一條非現實的 Möbius Strip,圖像形態構成哲學上的怪圈,得到一個非現實的視覺效果。
Escher 是近代一位非常卓越的畫家,畫作結構充滿數學與哲學理念,其作品描繪出矛盾的相互關係、現實與非現實的世界。亦可以用 Postmodernism 後現代的 Uncertainty 不確定性去分析其畫作。

● 這篇是較詳細描述 Escher 的後現代哲學理念
Escher Exploring Philosophy
(The Philosophy of Escher's work is Uncertainty of Postmodernism)

Maurit Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972)
If I am not mistaken, the words “art” and “artist” did not exist during the Renaissance and before: there were simply architects, sculptors, and painters, practicing a trade. Thus, I am a graphic artist heart and soul, though I find the term “artist” rather embarrassing

● Ascending and Descending GIF ─── Chris Cray
