To tell you the truth, I
find the concept "art" a bit of a dilemma. What one person calls "art" is
often not "art" for another. "Beautiful" and "ugly" are old-fashioned
concepts that are only rarely brought into the picture nowadays ─ maybe
rightfully so, who is to say? Something repellent, something that gives you
a moral hangover, something that hurts your eyes or ears can still be art!
Only when the sentiment is kitsch is it not art; we all agree on
that. Certainly, but what is kitsch? If only I knew that! I find such
determinations of value based on feelings too subjective and vague. If I'm
not mistaken, the words "art" and "artist" did not yet exist during and
before the Renaissance. Architects, sculptors, and painters as the time were
simply considered practitioners of craft.
The graphic arts are also an honest craft, and I consider it a
privilege to be a member of the guild of graphic artists. Cutting with a
gouge or engraving with a burin in a woodblock polished mirror smooth is not
something on which you necessarily pride yourself; it is simply a pleasant
type of work. The only thing is that as you get older it takes more time and
effort and the chips fly somewhat less tempestuously about your workbench
than they used to.
So I am a graphic artist with heart and
soul, but the rating "artist" makes me feel to a little embarrassed.